Wellness Blog

Men's Health, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Men's Health, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

A Naturopathic Approach To Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common male reproductive disorder affecting 10-20 per cent of the male population worldwide. It is characterised by an inability to attain or sustain penile erection during sexual activity, persisting for more than three months. It is predicted by 2025, 322 million men will have ED. Luckily, there a multiple ways it can be treated and even prevented.

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Fitness, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Fitness, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

How Creatine Effects Exercise Performance

Among the most widely researched supplements is creatine, an organic acid that functions to supply energy to cells, particularly in the muscles and brain tissue. Its primary benefit is its ability to enhance strength and power output during resistance training, while increasing lean muscle mass when combined with resistance exercise.

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Nutrition, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Nutrition, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

Your Guide To Gluten-Free

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. For those who can tolerate it, gluten can be a healthy addition to ones diet. However, for gluten-sensitive individuals, consuming gluten may cause diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, migraines, brain fog, irritability and the risk of developing more serious illnesses.

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Fitness, Naturopathy, Men's Health Annabelle Delir Fitness, Naturopathy, Men's Health Annabelle Delir

Herbal Spotlight: Tribulus

Botanically known as Tribulus terrestris, this herb is most commonly known in the athletic community for increasing strength and muscle mass. It has been used in traditional Eastern European and Iranian medicine as an aphrodisiac, while Ayurvedic practitioners have used it in the treatment of male and female reproductive disorders.

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Fitness, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Fitness, Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

5 Herbs for Muscle Building

A large variety of herbal medicines can be used to support the body before, during and after strenuous exercise. Herbs that influence muscle mass do so by altering the rate of protein synthesis and breakdown in the muscles and directly and indirectly affecting the amount of resistance exercise performed.

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Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

Herbal Spotlight: Ashwagandha

Botanically known as Withania somnifera, the herb is native to India and parts of the Middle East and Africa. It has been utilised for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as a regenerative tonic to reduce stress, increase energy and improve cognition. In Sanskrit, ashwagandha means “smell of the horse”, referring to the herbs earthy scent and ability to increase virility and strength.

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Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Sleep

Sleep is well and truely the best medicine. Of its many wondrous health effects, good quality sleep reduces inflammation, staves off weight gain, improves memory and mood, and improves athletic performance and recovery. Here are 3 easy ways you can start improving your sleep today.

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Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, which relay important information between cells and body systems in order to function properly. Hormone levels influence the way we look and feel physically and mentally. This is just one reason why a healthy menstrual cycle is vital.

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Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

Adaptogens: Herbal Stress Relievers

If you’ve been in the wellness world for quite some time you’ve probably come across the term ‘adaptogen’. Adaptogens are a group of herbs that regulate the hypothalamic, pituitary and adrenal glands to mitigate the stress response and in turn, help us ‘adapt’ to stress - whether it be psychological, environmental or physical. So, are they legit or are they another ‘superfood’ trend?

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Naturopathy Annabelle Delir Naturopathy Annabelle Delir

Naturopathy: Who, What & Why?

Often when people ask me what I do I’m received with looks of puzzlement. While the principles of naturopathy have existed for centuries, it can be considered a fairly modern practice. So, what is naturopathy and how can it help you?

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