Wellness Blog

Fat Loss Annabelle Delir Fat Loss Annabelle Delir

Why Is Weight Loss So Difficult?

There are countless factors involved in weight loss, and while calorie consumption vs. energy expenditure plays a significant role, it is not the end-all-be-all. Understanding the many elements surrounding weight can help you lose weight and keep it off once and for all.

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Fat Loss, Nutrition Annabelle Delir Fat Loss, Nutrition Annabelle Delir

Change This One Habit To Improve Weight Loss

If you’ve been trying to lose weight for some time it’s likely a health professional (and I’m not referring to social media influencers) has advised you at one time or another to avoid late-night eating. Multiple studies highlight the correlation between late-night eating and increased risk of obesity, as well as disturbances in circadian rhythm and metabolic health and higher levels of inflammatory markers.

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Fat Loss Annabelle Delir Fat Loss Annabelle Delir

Calorie Restriction: How Low Is Too Low?

We all know someone who always seems to be on a diet but never actually seems to lose any weight or we may be that person ourselves. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement and anticipation of weight loss, but severe long-term calorie restriction may actually be inhibiting your ability to lose weight and keep it off.

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Nutrition, Fat Loss Annabelle Delir Nutrition, Fat Loss Annabelle Delir

Intermittent Fasting For Fat Loss

Intermittent fasting, less commonly known as time-restricted feeding, is a method of fasting that restricts one’s eating window to a particular phase of the day. This method is employed by athletes and non-athletes in the aim to improve body composition, restrict calories, or improve overall health.

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