Adopt These 4 Strategies To Improve Weight Loss

Weight loss is a goal of many and, unfortunately, sustained by few. Adopting these few strategies can help you lose weight and keep it off long-term.

Eat according to the 50/50 plate

The concept of the 50/50 plate is to fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables like asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, and so on, and the other half with starchy vegetables, grains, proteins and fats. This method was not only designed with maximum fat loss in mind but also helps in reaching your daily nutritional goals and increasing fibre consumption.

This doesn’t have to be boring. It can look like a nourish bowl packed with fresh vegetables, cooked quinoa and tofu and dressed with tahini or loaded fries (baked potato, not fried) topped with beans, vegetables and avocado. Get creative!

Avoid eating late at night

Other than increasing the risk of obesity, eating late at night has a variety of consequences such as disturbances in circadian rhythm, increased appetite, poorer body composition and a slower metabolism. You can read all about the effects of late-night eating in my article ‘Change This One Habit To Improve Weight Loss’.

Aim to eat the bulk of your food earlier in the day and have your last meal no later than 3 hours before bed.

Prepare home-cooked meals

Preparing your food at home means you know everything that’s going into your meals and aren’t surprised by nasty ingredients like certain oils and additives that can cause weight gain. While cooking may get tiresome, adopting a strategy like meal-prepping once or twice a week can help save time and energy. For meal-prepping tips, read my article ‘Quick & Easy Meal-Prep Hacks’.

Consume more high-fibre foods

High-fibre diets have been shown to lower the risk of weight gain while also promoting healthy bowel movements, lowering cholesterol and regulating blood sugar. Foods high in fibre are typically low in calories and nutritionally dense (which is a win-win for weight loss) and include foods such as vegetables, legumes, fruits and grains. Again, increasing your fibre intake can easily be achieved by adopting the 50/50 plate.

If you’re struggling with weight loss and would like some help, make an appointment. Together we can implement easy-to-follow strategies to achieve your health goals.

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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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Change This One Habit To Improve Weight Loss