Greek-Style Dolma


Coming from a Persian background, I was raised eating dolma. Although, I was never much of a fan until I tried the Greek version and I’ve been hooked ever since.

To make this healthy & wholesome dish, all you need is 5 ingredients.


  • 1 cup brown rice, raw

  • 1/2 cup dried mint

  • 1 tbs cumin powder

  • Fresh or canned vine leaves

  • 1 lemon

In a small pot, combine the brown rice with 1 cup of water. Cook on low until the water is fully absorbed.

Stir in the dried mint and cumin and combine well. 

Take a vine leaf in the palm of your hand and scoop 1 tsp of the rice mixture into the middle of the leaf. Fold the edges of the leaves toward the centre of your palm until the rice is fully concealed. Place it in a non-stick pan and repeat with the remainder of the leaves.

Once finished, slice the lemon and place the slices over the top of the dolma. Add 1-2 cups of water over the mixture (enough to cover the dolma) and simmer until the water is fully absorbed.

Can be served either hot or cold.

Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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