Wellness Blog
Gut Health 101
With over 95% of serotonin receptors expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, it wouldn’t be so far fetched to think of your gut as your second brain. The gut is responsible for absorbing the nutrients you eat to fuel your body, generate energy and facilitate hormone production. This is why the quality of your diet is so important.
The Protein Myth: How Much Do You Really Need?
In our diet-obsessed culture, protein has no doubt been one of the main topics of discussion. We’re constantly being pushed to believe we need copious amounts of protein to build muscle, lose weight or just function as a normal human being. But where did this idea come from?
Reduce Anxiety With These 4 Foods + Bonus Recipe
Anxiety is fast becoming the most prevalent mental disorder in western society. Anxiety is often treated with anxiolytic medicines, both herbal and pharmaceutical. However, the first approach to treating anxiety should always be to address the diet. These 4 foods can help improve your mood, alleviate tension and even reduce your risk of anxiety.
How to Stop Emotional Eating
Do you find yourself reaching for snacks every time you feel upset, anxious or stressed? Do you feel guilt and shame after emotional eating, keeping you in a vicious cycle of negative feelings? Emotional eating affects a large degree of the population and is a huge contributor to weight gain and obesity. The good news is you can take steps to heal and liberate yourself from emotional eating.
How to Gain Weight the Healthy Way
For some, weight gain is hard and with so much focus on weight loss, it can be hard to find good information on how to gain weight healthily. Most people I’ve spoken to trying to gain weight think downing burgers and takeout is the only way to do this but that can be damaging to the gut and overall health. While energy density should be the focus - healthy foods should be emphasised even more!
Protein Timing for Maximum Muscle Growth
Protein is an essential building block for muscle growth making it an extremely important macronutrient for athletes and weight-lifters. Some researchers suggest that protein timing has a greater effect on body composition than total daily nutrient consumption.
Quick & Easy Meal Prep Hacks
Meal prep is easily my most invaluable habit for getting and staying healthy. You’ve heard of the saying “failing to prepare is preparing to fail” and when it comes to food choices it's so true! The best thing is meal prep doesn’t have to take a lot of time and effort! Here are my top tips.
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