Reduce Anxiety With These 4 Foods + Bonus Recipe

Anxiety is fast becoming the most prevalent mental disorder in western society. Anxiety is often treated with anxiolytic medicines, both herbal and pharmaceutical. However, the first approach to treating anxiety should always be to address the diet.

As I’ve discussed in my previous articles, your mental health is largely affected by the foods you eat. These 4 foods can help improve your mood, alleviate tension and even reduce your risk of anxiety.


Berries are packed full of both vitamin C and antioxidants. When we’re in a state of stress our body hungers for vitamin C, which helps alleviate tension and improves mood. Antioxidants help fend off free radicals and have been shown to be beneficial in both the reduction and prevention of anxiety.


Oats and other complex carbohydrates trigger the production of an essential amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan increases the production of serotonin, and elevated levels of serotonin induce a calming effect on the brain. 

Chia Seeds

Seeds such as chia and hemp are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Dietary sources of omega-3’s have been shown to both improve mood and aid in the reduction of anxiety.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate, more specifically cacao, is rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are an antioxidant that lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow to the brain to improve cell-signalling pathways, leading to a reduction in anxiety.

Bonus Recipe - Mood-Enhancing Oatmeal

Revel in the mood-enhancing effects of all these foods by including them in your daily breakfast.

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats

  • 1/2 banana

  • 1 tsp cacao powder

  • 1 cup berries

  • 1 tsp chia seeds

Add the oats, banana and cacao powder to a small pan with 1 cup of water. Gently simmer until the water is absorbed through the oats and your desired consistency is achieved - for a runnier consistency add more water. Top with fresh or frozen berries and chia seeds and enjoy!

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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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