Want To Get Fit Without Getting Bulky? Here’s How

Many women avoid lifting weights because they’re afraid of getting bulky. The truth is, the women you see at the gym with huge biceps and muscular bodies didn’t get there overnight. They more than likely planned their way there through years of dedication and specific training.

Strength training has enormous health benefits. It reduces the risk of bone degeneration, increases cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of injury, improves mood, increases strength and endurance and accelerates weight loss. Not only that, it improves body composition and will give you a fit and lean physique.

For these reasons, strength training is an invaluable addition to your exercise regimen. So, how can you lift weights without getting too big?

Increase Your Reps

Aim for 12-15 reps per set. This method increases muscle definition rather than muscle mass and will give you that toned look you’re after. Make sure you’re still challenging your body by lifting weights that are heavy for you. You still need to work your muscles if you want to tone your body.

Eat in a Caloric Deficit

If you’re trying to slim down, a caloric deficit will get you there. Muscle growth tends to happen much faster when you eat in a calorie surplus - that is you consume more calories than you’re burning. This doesn’t mean you need to skip meals, instead replace some ingredients with energy-dilute alternatives. For example, replace the beef patty in your burger with a veggie patty, saving you on average 100 calories.

Add Resistance to Your Cardio

Increasing resistance when doing cardio is a great way to tone your body. If you’re on a machine such as the elliptical or stair-master, turn up the resistance to a setting you’re comfortable with and slowly increase it every 5-10 minutes to challenge yourself. If you’re out for a run or doing some other type of cardio not involving a machine strap on some ankle weights or carry a pair of light dumbbells to add that extra intensity.

If you’re looking to tone up but aren’t too eager to start lifting weights just yet there are many other exercises you can try. Boxing, pilates, swimming and yoga can all help you build a stronger and leaner body. Remember to stay consistent, eat a nutritious diet and don’t forget to take your rest days.

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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.


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