4 Simple Ways To Elevate Your Health Today

Often, small steps compounded over time yield the greatest results when it comes to improving your health. Here are four simple yet effective ways you can elevate your health today.

1. Add turmeric to your daily diet

Turmeric is a potent herbal anti-inflammatory used in many South Asian and Middle Eastern dishes. It has been used in traditional medicine in the treatment of respiratory, skin, joint and digestive disorders. Today, several clinical trials attest to its anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-aging and antibiotic properties.

Lower inflammation by adding one teaspoon of turmeric, along with a pinch of pepper (black pepper needs to be consumed alongside turmeric to increase the bioavailability of curcumin, turmerics active ingredient), to your dinner or try making a warming golden milk latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

2. Join a fitness class

For many, getting into and staying in the habit of exercise can feel daunting. Opting for a form of exercise you actually enjoy, while connecting with like-minded people and improving your skills, is much more likely to spark motivation and your desire to sustain training.

Don’t like training at the gym? Join an aerobics class instead. Some ideas for class-based training include pilates, boxing, martial arts, yoga and crossfit.

3. Practise ‘hot-to-cold’ thinking

Do you often feel weighed down by negative thoughts? Negative thoughts can significantly affect your mood and predispose you to certain health conditions. Practising hot-to-cold thinking is a good way to get yourself out of a negative cycle so you can direct more energy into more important things.

Examples of hot-to-cold thinking:

I’ll never be fit and healthy —> As long as I stay consistent with my healthy habits I’ll get to where I want to be

I’m never going to feel happy —> Life has its ups and downs and this moment is only temporary

I’ll never get the job I want —> The right opportunity is out there and I can work on improving my skills in the meantime

4. Focus on flexibility

Flexibility and mobility are major predictors of longevity. Research shows older adults with a lack of mobility are much more likely to suffer from life-threatening injuries, disease and poor quality of life. Maintaining relaxed and strong muscles with a good range of motion enables you to live independently and stay physically fit well into old age.

Intentional mobility exercises implemented a few days a week are crucial to long-term health.

If you’re looking to improve your health, get in touch! I’d love to help you.

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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.


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