How To Correctly Layer Your Skincare

Embarking on a skincare routine is a journey toward healthier, radiant skin. However, the effectiveness of your skincare products hinges on more than just the quality of the formulations.

The order in which you apply your skincare plays a crucial role in maximising their absorption and their benefits.

So, where do you start?

1. Cleanser

Cleansing removes dirt, makeup, and impurities, preparing your skin to absorb the subsequent products more effectively. Choose a cleanser suited to your skin type and double cleanse every night to effectively remove the makeup, sunscreen, dirt and bacteria accumulated throughout the day. Start with a micellar water or oil-based cleanser and follow up with a cream, gel or foam cleanser.

2. Toner

Toners aren’t a necessary step in your skincare routine but can provide additional benefits to the health and glow of your skin if you choose to use them. Typically featuring a watery formulation, it's advisable to apply toners as the base layer in your routine. A general guideline to follow is to start with products of thinner consistency and progress to those with a thicker texture. This ensures optimal absorption and effectiveness of each product in your skincare regimen.

3. Serums

Serums are potent formulations usually containing active ingredients like vitamin C or retinol. They are designed to address specific concerns such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or hydration. Apply them after toning to allow the active ingredients to penetrate the skin effectively. Remember, to extend the product to your neck and décolletage.

4. Eye Cream

Eye creams have a bit of a bad wrap in the skincare world but if you’re anything like me then you love them too! Apply your eye cream before moisturising to address concerns like puffiness, dark circles, or fine lines. If you prefer, you could simply apply your face moisturiser in this area. Be gentle when applying as the skin around your eyes is the most delicate and prone to mechanical damage.

5. Moisturiser

Lock in the benefits of the previous steps with a good moisturiser. It helps maintain hydration levels and strengthens the skin barrier, however, if your skin is especially oily you can skip straight to the next step in the mornings. If your skin is on the drier side, you may want to consider layering moisturisers to seal in the hydration.

6. Sunscreen

The importance of sunscreen cannot be overstated. Even on cloudy days, UV rays can damage the skin. Once UV rays reach level 3 and above, the sunscreen must be on. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 during the day as the last step in your morning routine.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your skincare routine and achieve a radiant, healthy glow? Take the next step towards personalised skin wellness by booking a naturopathic appointment.


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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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