Increase Athletic Performance With These 6 Foods

Good nutrition is the number one pillar to health. It’s no secret that what you put in your mouth can either help or hinder your performance in the gym, racetrack or whatever sport you engage in. 

These 6 foods have been found to boost athletic performance, so you can do more of what you love while nourishing your insides at the same time.


Nitrates in beetroots boost cardio performance while reducing exertion. This means you’ll be running, cycling or swimming faster with less effort.

Nutritional Yeast

Fibre in nutritional yeast maintains levels of circulating while blood cells, decreasing the risk of respiratory illness caused by sustained intense exercise.


Cherries reduce inflammatory biomarkers, leading to decreased muscle soreness.


Spinach reduces oxidative stress and muscle damage, resulting in decreased delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and faster recovery.


Oranges decrease blood lactate concentration, resulting in increased physical performance and reduced DOMS.


Studies reported a 15% increase in time-to-exhaustion in runners consuming grape juice, compared to placebo.

If you’re looking to boost your athletic performance using holistic approaches, consider booking an appointment with me. Together, we can explore your goals and needs to formulate a treatment plan tailored specifically to you.

Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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