The Link Between Ageing Skin & Nutrition

Diet and supplements are the latest trends in skincare and it’s no wonder, seeing as your skin is a reflection of your inner state of health.

Skin ageing is dependant on two different processes; intrinsic and extrinsic. Over time, youthful skin becomes harder and harder to maintain, this is commonly due to intrinsic ageing. Intrinsic ageing refers to your chronological age and it affects your skin the same way it affects all your organs. Extrinsic ageing is the result of external factors and includes things like diet, lifestyle, sun exposure, sleep and environmental influences.

Nutrition directly influences the health of your skin and some vitamins are vital for retaining youthful-looking skin.

Vitamin A

Also known as retinol, this vitamin is the first line of defence against bacteria, pollutants and exogenous toxins. It enhances the youthful appearance of skin by protecting against UV damage, stimulating fibroblasts (cells responsible for firmness and elasticity) and protecting against infection.

Add green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, apricots and cantaloupe to your diet for a vitamin A boost.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for a youthful facial structure. It promotes bone mineralization to maintain bone density. Bone degradation in the face leads to the formation of wrinkles around the mouth and the inward turning of the lips, dramatically ageing the appearance of your skin and face. It also contributes to cell growth, repair and metabolism, reducing the signs of premature ageing.

For adequate levels of vitamin D, try to spend at least 10 minutes a day in natural sunlight or consider taking it in supplement form.

Vitamin E

One of the most used ingredients in skincare and for good reason. As a free radical scavenger, vitamin E protects the skin from ageing by inhibiting cell oxidation. Cell oxidation leads to sagging, dullness and the formation of wrinkles. The fewer free radicals you have circulating through your body, the more likely you are to keep your skin plump and healthy. 

Include nuts, whole grains, asparagus and spinach in your daily diet for an increase in vitamin E.

Topical Nutrition


It's no wonder the skincare industry is booming when the look and feel of your skin can be dramatically enhanced using topical products. Aim for products with minimal yet effective ingredients to avoid overstimulating your skin and give each ingredient the chance to work its magic. For effective plant-based skincare check out my range Umoya Botanics. Every product is packed full of vitamins and minerals essential for younger looking skin.

Caloric Restriction

Caloric restriction in the absence of malnutrition has been found to increase longevity and delay the signs of skin ageing. While the mechanisms are still not fully understood, mild caloric restriction promotes DNA repair, fibroblast production and the formation of collagen and elastin fibres. I’m emphasising mild caloric restriction here - don’t go cutting out entire meals. Simply eat until you’re satisfied. 

In essence, the youthful appearance of your skin is greatly influenced by the foods you eat. Aim to include more vegetables, grains and nuts in your diet and implement skincare containing simple yet effective plant-derived ingredients, such as Umoya Botanics

Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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