7 Ways To Detox Your Body For Optimal Health

Did you know there are six organs used by the body to excrete toxins? They are the liver, kidneys, skin, colon, lymph and lungs. Each organ detoxes the body of excess metabolites and waste in varying ways.

So, how can you detoxify your body?


The most simple way of excreting toxins from the body is by increasing hydration. Water aids the kidneys in removing waste from your blood and removes toxins via perspiration, urination and defecation. Consuming 2-3 litres of water per day is recommended.


A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables provides the body with a diversity of antioxidants which aid in detoxification by protecting the body from oxidative stress, shielding the liver from damage and improving blood flow to the kidneys.

Polyphenols, COQ10, curcumin and lycopene are particularly beneficial nutrients to aid in detoxification and can be found in foods like watermelon, turmeric, green tea, papaya and legumes.


Naturopaths have a variety of liver-protective herbs at their disposal. A common herb with an affinity for the liver is Silybum marianum, otherwise known as milk thistle. Milk thistle enhances detoxification by protecting the liver from damage, increasing the synthesis of glutathione (a major antioxidant) and enhancing liver tissue renewal.

Sweat Therapy

Regular sauna use is an effective way to remove toxins from the body via sweat and has the extra benefits of stress reduction, pain management and blood pressure regulation. Findings suggest saunas can stimulate the excretion of toxic metals, chemicals and metabolites of prescription medications.


Exercise aids in the removal of toxins by stimulating the circulatory and lymphatic systems, as well as metabolising fat and fat-soluble toxins. Consistent moderate-intensity exercise also has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on detoxification organs.

Manual Therapy

Manual techniques, such as dry skin brushing and massage, drive detoxification by stimulating the lymphatic, cardiopulmonary and hepatic systems.

A simple way to dry brush is to begin gently brushing from the palms of your hand working your way throughout your entire body towards the heart.


Adequate sleep supports detoxification by prompting cellular repair and regeneration, with the final few hours of sleep being the most beneficial. Aim for at least seven hours of undisturbed sleep every night.

For naturopathic assistance, make an appointment. Together, we can explore your concerns safely and confidentially to formulate a treatment plan tailored specifically to you.

Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.


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