3 Tips to Reduce Acne

Acne can affect anyone from high schoolers to middle-aged corporate business people. It doesn’t discriminate. While acne is often regarded as a problem of adolescence, it’s common to persist into adulthood.

The causes of adult acne can often stem from hormones, stress, menstruation in women, skincare and hair products, makeup and diet. These factors can contribute to clogged pores, inflammation, excess oil production and bacteria - causing you to break out.

So what can you do about it?


Personally, diet is the first thing I look at with most disorders. Diet plays a huge role in the health of your body, mind and spirit so the fact that it can directly impact your skin is no surprise.

The typical western diet, which is a diet high in refined carbs and processed foods, is significantly linked to acne as it activates inflammatory markers. An increase of omega-6 over omega-3’s has been shown to promote inflammatory acne and increase sebum production. You can optimise your omega-6/omega-3 ratio by limiting your consumption of oils (yes, including coconut and olive oil) and eating more fresh fruits, vegetables and plant foods.

Secondly, the consumption of dairy is correlated with acne. Dairy naturally contains a growth hormone called IGF-1. IGF-1 levels are higher in those with acne than those without and has been shown to increase inflammation and sebum production, causing blocked pores. Try eliminating dairy from your diet for 2 weeks and notice an improvement in your skin.


Be conscious about the skincare products you use. Most products on the market contain chemicals, toxins and additives and while these products may give you fast results, in the long term they’re actually damaging your skin. Opt for natural skincare products where possible and look out for simple, plant-based ingredients. My general rule of thumb is if you don’t understand the ingredient name or it contains numbers, don’t put it on your skin. For effective natural skincare that won’t cause breakouts, check out Umoya Botanics.

An effective remedy for existing breakouts is my favourite anti-fungal herb - tea tree. Grab some tea tree oil and dab just a small amount on a cotton pad and pat it over your breakouts. Be careful not to get it into your eyes as it will aggravate!

Green tea is another antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory herb useful for acne reduction. I suggest mixing powdered green tea with bentonite clay and water to create a face mask. Lather it over your face and let it dry, then rinse off with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel. Follow up with a natural face serum to rehydrate your skin.


Dehydration suppresses multiple bodily functions including the functions that lead to healthy skin. It can cause retention hyperkeratosis, otherwise known as the abnormal shedding of skin. Dead skin cells remain in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and the excess sebum binds the cells to the skin’s surface, resulting in acne, blackheads and all those things we don’t want.

Hormones such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is found in the sebaceous gland and dehydration can cause an excess of production, leading to an over-production of sebum and, you guessed it - blocked pores.

Aim to hydrate your skin both internally and externally by drinking 2-3L of water a day and nourishing your skin with a hydrating oil-based serum. Contrary to what you may think, oil-based serums are beneficial to acne-prone skin as they gently cleanse away excess sebum, bacteria and makeup, leaving your skin clean, smooth, hydrated and well-nourished.

For effective natural skincare, check out Umoya Botanics and for more tips on all things health and wellness, subscribe to my newsletter. You’ll be the first to know about new articles and healthy recipes to support you on your wellness journey.

Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.


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